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Aasra Outreach

The Aasra Welfare Association is an organization that fosters the development of initiatives that contribute to making our city as clean as possible while working to create awareness about the stigma attached to Safai Sathis among people of all ages.

Our Campaigns

Collection Drive

  • A special collection drive is conducted every week for citizens who practice waste segregation at home or at work at PAN Mumbai level.
  • With great support from citizens, Aasra conducts these drives every week and divert tons of waste in a single day. Through online platforms and social media, we promote the collection drives and register citizens.
  • Once we close the registrations for the week, we inform the citizens regarding the pickup schedule one day prior to the drive.
  • We encourage citizens by awarding certificates, such that they become ambassadors of the collection driver to spread awareness among fellow citizens.

Clean Up Drive

  • Public awareness is created about waste management and environmental concerns in the immediate area through Beach and City clean-up drives.
  • The community will be engaged in collective and active cleaning efforts by bringing citizens together.
  • We hope to promote waste prevention at the community and city level through the selection of places of everyday public relevance, such as neighborhood streets as well as ecologically sensitive areas like beaches.

Swachtta Kendra Visits

  • Citizens learn about what happens to their waste once it leaves their homes during these visits.
  • Visits to Swacchta Kendra are an opportunity to show the processes and people involved in managing and recycling waste while also educating citizens about everyday objects and their material life cycles.
  • As a result of this program, we provide citizens with knowledge and ways to participate in the process of waste management and recycling, so we can build a circular economy.

Training & Workshop

  • A wide range of stakeholders attend these hands-on sessions, including residents and staff at the housekeeping and security stalls.
  • We enable these stakeholders to participate actively in the process of source segregation and collection by providing them critical tools and techniques.
  • Teaching the Safai Sathis and others involved in the waste management and disposal ecosystem about source segregation techniques such as pre-pickup sorting and using segregated bins, the criticality of separating hazardous waste from the rest of the waste stream, and the ill effects it has on waste management and disposal systems as a whole.

RWA Meetings

  • We arrange timely RWA meetings to activate societies for segregating waste at source.
  • Aasra Welfare Association explains its services and provides handouts and capacity building information so that other members of the community can benefit.
  • Through the meeting, we learn about waste generated, the infrastructure available with the societies, and support required by and from the community members.

Government Engagements

  • To contribute to the circular economy and to foster sustainable waste management, we aim to seek assistance and generate a collaborative effort.
  • Together with government bodies, we plan and promote sustainable consumption habits and efficient waste management.
  • We can share resources and benefit from the government’s assistance by sharing logistical support and enforcing SWM policies in the field.

Plastic Lao, Mask/Thela Pao

  • By setting up kiosks, we conduct micro awareness campaigns aimed at changing the public’s attitude towards waste and its disposal.
  • Establishing mini-material recovery stalls in public places and events to encourage citizens to bring disposable plastics and exchange them for Thelas (cloth bags), masks, and other such everyday useful items.
  • An introductory stage of responsible waste disposal involves such short and temporary engagements with the public.
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